Thank you to the talented people who helped make this project happen.
A, N - Britta Moberg
B, O - Juan Leguizamon
C, P - Danny Gonzalez
D - Shaun O'Hanlon
E - Richard Haynie
F, S - Dani Simon
G, T - Koryn Woodward-Wasson
H, U - Dhiya Choudary
I, Q - Josh Gordon
J, W - Julia Nicholas
K, X - Ken Spera
L, Y - Jessica Larkin
M, Z - Kyle Davila
V - Hannah and Ada Gordon
R - Dasha Erkina
Words by Josh Gordon
And special thanks to Dave, all of the friends and family of our contributors, and all the first responders and medical professionals who are working to keep us all safe.
Please, wash your hands.